Sell Your 3D Models
Join other incredible 3D artists. Model to cutting edge specs. Make money doing what you love.
Want to start selling your 3D models, but haven't decided on the right marketplace? TurboSquid isn't just the biggest 3D marketplace for professionals-- our cutting edge modeling specs give you massive opportunities to earn and get your products seen by some of the biggest customers in the industry.
Read on to learn why TurboSquid is the best choice for 3D artists, and when you're ready to jump in, follow our New Artist Checklist!
Why join TurboSquid?
Because we're #1 in the industry.

TurboSquid innovates and partners with leaders in the 3D industry. We’ve been around since 2000, which makes us the most established 3D model marketplace in the world. In 2011, we created CheckMate, the 3D industry’s only quality specification, with help from major brands like IKEA, Electronic Arts, Weta Digital, and more. In 2018, we released StemCell, a groundbreaking standard that continues to grow, allowing 3D models to be converted to every major 3D application. We developed StemCell with an Industry Council that includes Adobe, Amazon, Epic Games, and more.
TurboSquid is also an official licensee for 3D content for Ford, General Motors, and other forward-thinking brands.
You’re not just uploading to TurboSquid; publish once and you have the chance to be seen by even more customers. TurboSquid gives you the opportunity to have your content syndicated to other sites we own, Free3D, CG Studio, and PixelSquid, as well as to partner sites like Pond5, Adobe Stock, Unity Asset Store, Envato, and more.
We made StemCell to follow industry standards, so-- with the help of PBR texturing-- we convert your models for you to MAX, Maya, Cinema4D, Unity, Unreal, FBX, glTF, and more. With PixelSquid, we even turn your models into powerful stock images, so they can go right into the hands of graphic designers who wouldn’t normally even think of buying 3D.
Because we make you more money.

Because we support you while you do what you love: 3D modeling.

Our support staff handles customers so you don’t have to. With a shopping experience backed by our Complete Confidence guarantee, you can rest assured that your buyers are getting quality, 24/7 support.
We'll also keep you updated on the latest industry specs. Whether you’re a beginning modeler or a veteran who wants to keep up with cutting edge industry needs, TurboSquid’s expert staff has created tons of 3D modeling resources to keep you at the top of your game.
And with our SquidGuild Exclusivity and Affiliate programs, you can earn even more than the standard royalty rate, as well as gain access to analytics and insights that allow you to become a master of the 3D marketplace.
I'm in! How do I join TurboSquid?
1st Step:
In order to access the artist publishing area, view your dashboard, and get paid, we'll need a little information first. Once you fill in your artist information, you'll be all set to unlock your status as a TurboSquid artist.